
Run Delivery

Covid Community Challenge Week #3

Because of covid, we’v’e turned en mass to our screens, video chats, and virtual connections. But what of the era of the homemade card or handwritten letter? This weeks challenge it to break out the pen and paper, or even those craft supplies, and hand write a note to a loved one. Then, if possible, run-deliver it! 

Challenge Specifics

  1. Use pen, paper, and/or craft supplies to write a handmade letter/card for a loved one.
  2. If circumstances allow, choose someone who lives within “running distance” and run-deliver the card to their mailbox.
  3. Be sure to practice responsible hygiene in the execution of this challenge!

This Weeks Prize

Aspire Branded Trucker Hat

To be entered into the drawing for this weeks prize complete the Run Delivery challenge before 6pm Sunday April 12th when the next weeks challenge will be introduced.

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