
Plank It Out

Covid Community Challenge Week #2

Reading the news got you down? It’s time break out of the vortex. Rather than simply scrolling endlessly through the spiraling news cycle, spend a total of 15 minutes this week in plank position and reading an article from a trusted new source. 

Challenge Specifics

  1. Plank and read for a total of 15 minutes this week.
  2. The 15 minutes can be broken into any segments, as long as by the end of the week you’ve reached a total of 15 minutes.
  3. Invite a friend to take on the Plank it Out challenge.
  4. Report your completion via next week’s email.

This Weeks Prize

Aspire Branded Cotton Hooded Sweatshirt

To be entered into the drawing for this weeks prize complete the Plank It Out challenge before 6pm Sunday April 5th when the next weeks challenge will be introduced.

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