I live in the Pacific Northwest where the extremes between the seasons are drastic. Long summer days are ripe with potential. Invariably they are spent exploring ribbons of trails, climbing new peaks, and squeezing the life out of each. I love collapsing in the dirt or back of the truck in exhaustion, hoping that my legs and lungs will be ready to go again the next day.
As summer passes through a radiant fall into the grey and cool of winter, I mark the shift with different patterns. What was growing and expansive with summer becomes narrow and cool with winter. Where there was freedom, now there is focus, routine, and discipline. I love the shift. I look forward to winter. I love muddy trails. I love the darkness that comes early so I can more easily wake at 5am and train for hours before my kids are awake. I love running by headlamp, sweating in the cool rain, and watching a sunrise when I’m already miles into the woods.
Each year these patters and cycle become more clear and refined. I celebrate the changes in season that invite me to envision, train, and prepare for the next summers adventures.
So it is with Aspire. We had an incredible year with new courses, new friends, and lots of adventure. We’re gearing up for 2019. We have some incredible trips waiting for you. Registration opens on November 1st.