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Runner Profile: Lauren Rock

“Who goes on Aspire trips?”
It’s a question we hear often. The truth is, the runners who show up for our trips come from diverse backgrounds and bring a wide range of running and mountain experience with them to the trails.
We all relate to mountain spaces in unique and personal ways. We are excited to add some depth to our response to the “Who?” question with a series of Aspire trail runner profiles. We enjoyed hitting the dirt and building friendships with these runners on our trips, and we think you’ll enjoy hearing their stories!

Name: Laurn Rock Age: 35 Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Which Aspire Trip(s) have you participated in?

Wonderland Traverse 2020

What is your occupation?


What is your favorite trail snack?

Inka corn and Swedish fish

What questions, concerns, or unknowns did you have going into your trip? How were they resolved?

I had done perhaps a bit too much research on the Wonderland Trail and totally psyched myself out about the many river crossings. I had read that the log bridges are often and unpredictably washed out, forcing runners to ford rivers and deal with varying water levels and currents. Not having much confidence in my balance, I talked through my anxieties with Abram in advance of the trip and felt better knowing that my fears were out on the table.

As it turned out, all of the river crossings during my trip featured beautifully in tact log bridges, thanks to the wonderful National Park Rangers. To kick things off on the right foot, the very first river crossing we got to, I believe it was Kautz Creek, had just been outfitted with a brand new log bridge. Meaning, there was fresh sawdust and rangers still finishing up the repairs, when we crossed. The second big win, was easily crossing the South Mowich River using a network of log bridges at the end of Day 1. After that, my anxiety was lifted and I could just enjoy the trail!

How did you prepare for your trip? Given your experience would you prepare differently, if so how?

I love training, following a plan, and having an excuse to spend long days out in the mountains. Especially during COVID, with everything else being cancelled, I loved having this trip on my calendar as something to work towards, and a training plan as the one constant in my summer. I roughly followed the 8-week training plan that Aspire sent out in terms of mileage, and tried to get in as much vert as possible while living in the city and only being able to get out to the mountains on weekends. I peaked with a few 50+ mile weeks. I enjoyed many trail training adventures with my friends Sarah and Cathleen who also joined me on this trip.

In terms of gear, I don’t typically run with poles, but they seemed like a good idea, so I brought them along attached to my pack each day. I ended up only using them for about 30 minutes total, on the last day as we were going across the snow near Panhandle Gap in extremely foggy conditions. Probably not necessary, but they were a nice security blanket.

What story or description would you give to represent the group dynamic on your trip?

Fun and supportive! Everyone on our trip had varying strengths and weaknesses, so while we didn’t all stick together each day, it was fun to pass or get passed by each other, often multiple times during each day, and exchange some words of encouragement and camaraderie along the way!

What info/advice/thoughts would you offer to someone considering signing up for an Aspire trip?

Aspire is a terrific organization with the best people. You are guaranteed to have a blast, meet incredible people, and enjoy some delicious food! The Wonderland Trail is really something special. I can see Mt. Rainier from my house and I am so inspired looking at it and reminding myself that I actually ran around it in 3 days. It makes me excited for more big adventures!